HERMÈS JAPON • windows



Have you ever looked up at the night sky and made out images between the stars? We’re used to looking up at the stars in the sky and it seems like an ordinary thing to do. But for thousands of years, people in many different cultures have associated the stars with shapes and patterns. Let’s take a moment here to apprehend this intriguing depth of the night sky. Let’s change our point of view and try to cross this galaxy. What do we see?  Does it stop at the Nebula ? What about playing with this material, this shape of sky night ? What could be more astonishing than imagining this journey through the night sky and taking the time to look higher and higher and differently… 

© Nacása & Partners Inc. / Courtesy of Hermès Japon. Created for Hermès direct stores windows, Autumn 2023


  • Conception
  • Production follow up